Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bienvenue à Paris ... Part Deux

Well, it's official, folks, I'm back!  I know it has been a ridiculously long time since I have posted, and I am sure some blogging etiquette out there says it isn't beneficial in building and maintaining readership to wait 9,849 years between posts, but I have been INCREDIBLY busy!!!  My time at home flew by in 2.5 seconds, and I was very sad to see it go, to say the least, but much more to come on that later.  Also, I have officially been in class for a week (Intermediate Cuisine and Pastry - ah!), and let me tell you, they wasted ZERO time getting us reacquainted to the schedule or the kitchen. 

Fortunately,  I was tempered back into life as an ex-pat with my best friend, Leah, who made the journey with me. 
Holding our breath (and our passports) that we would make it on the flight
9 hours later...
Enjoying the first (of many...eek!) authentic French croissants.  This is a typical day for me...a croissant in one hand, and an umbrella in the other
 So, yes, I am back in Paris for the long haul...the next 5 1/2 months to be exact.  Unless, of course, I change my mind and try to finagle a way to come home sooner.  (Just kidding, Mom!  Kind of...)

I wanted to send a thank you to everyone for the emails that I received wondering where the blog updates were over the past couple of weeks (this post is dedicated to you, Tabani.  Now, get back to work!).  Sometimes when I get on my soapbox and ramble on about this and that, I forget that there are people out there in the world who actually take time out of their day to see what I'm up to, and I really, really appreciate that!!  It made me feel very excited and flattered that y'all are actually interested in what I am doing over here.  I sincerely apologize for my delinquency in posting, and I am trying to be more regular with updates this time around.  So, I will bid y'all farewell for now, but much more to come very soon!

And because my dear friend and I were apart for so long, I'll leave y'all with this!

- a tout à l’heure!