Monday, August 16, 2010

Life, Art, and....what?

So, after facing the realization that I was actually following through with this crazy new life plan, I quickly decided that I wanted to start blogging...coupled with the fact that around that same time I found Google Reader (thanks Meredith!) and became enthralled with the blogging world.  Who knew that was out there?!  I guess I have been living under a rock for the past 10 years because I had NO idea people just blogged about their daily lives, and others actually cared enough to follow!

Next up was trying to figure out what direction I wanted to go in...and the ever important task of coming up with a title!  Fast forward to the present, after I went through about 234989085 different titles, subtitles, and ideas ---note: every creative though you have EVER thought of has been taken :( --- but alas!  I finally settled on "Life, Art, and Butter" because I felt that it comprised exactly what I was doing: experiencing life, appreciating art, and topping it all off with a whole lotta butta, because well, I AM studying French cuisine which definitely does NOT shy away from butter. 

So there you have it!  I can't wait to share this adventure with everyone along the way -- the good, the bad, and the ugly (or insert any other cliche phrase here - woo!)!

I must close with the fact that I am officially at the 48 hour mark before take off and I haven't packed a thing.  Instead I am blogging, checking Perez, and surfing Google Reader...

post scriptum:  I promise this will be more visually appealing with pictures, etc once I get there...and then you can check out my amazing photographic skills at work -- eeeek!!

- à tout à l’heure!

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