Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Under Pressure?

Over the past couple of days, the main thing I have realized is that I have an incredible talent for procrastination.  As if 4 years of college did not highlight that gift,  leaving the country for an extended period of time definitely has.

Things I have done instead of packing:
1. Watch daytime TV (LOTS of Regis and Kelly, The Doctors, Real Housewives -- don't judge!!)
2. Play with Bentley
3. Spend hours reading mindless stories/blogs on the internet
4. Lay around on the couch
5. Organize my sweaters
6. Check the mail incessantly (It didn't come until after 16:30 yesterday?!?!?)
7. Pace around the house
and last but definitely not least...
8. EAT!!!!  Seriously, I think I have gained 10 pounds since yesterday

NOTE: Working out is no where to be seen on this list because I am pretty sure I have not put on tennis shoes since mid July -- I am hoping that the realization that I am running a 10 mile race in a month will light the fire sometime soon and get me running again...maybe....

So, here we are, somewhere in the neighborhood of 26 hours before take-off, and I am nowhere near ready to go -- AH!  I guess the pressure of "HOLY COW, I AM LEAVING THE COUNTRY FOR THREE MONTHS IN 24 HOURS" that I have patiently been waiting to kick in finally has!! (Yet, I still managed to find time to write a blog about it? Go fig.)

Anyway, just to give you an idea of what I am working with right now....

We need to get this:
Into these:
 And just for fun, meet my partner in crime...Bentley! (aka smells, Beezer, B, hey you...)

But, as I have repeatedly told my mother over the past 24 years, I work best under pressure...we'll see!

- à tout à l’heure!


  1. You blog makes me smile. Make sure you keep this thing updated because I will be checking it regularly. Don't wander off with any strangers while you're in Paris. I hope you have a great time and learn how to cook lots of delicious food. I'm so happy that you're happy and doing what your heart tells you to do because you're right, life is too short! Anyway, if I can't get my hands on a microphone between now and then, call me in November. LOVE!

  2. There is no doubt in my mind you would wait until the last minute to exercise your packing skills. After working with you for 2 years I have come to realize that you run on "Laura Time!"
    I am sure you have bored your flight and are giddy with excitement with what this adventure brings. We are all on the edge of our blog-following seats to see what this adventure brings you. You are doing what many wish they would have! Can't wait to live through your adventures!
    Attachez vos ceintures pour la course de votre vie!

  3. Laura I'm so excited for you!! How long is the whole program?
